Global Church Planting Network

Accelerating Church Planting Globally

Marginalized by Society, Chosen by God

StonesAs you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:4-5, NIV)

During the COVID lockdown, a pastor “adopted” a small village and started praying for it. Inhabitants of the village are from an ethnic group that has been exploited and marginalized for ages by society. The primary occupation of the people is selling fruits, seeds, and grass in the market. Historically, they have not sent girls to school, and boys often study only up to the primary level due to economic reasons.

When the lockdown had ended, the pastor started a prayer walk and met a “man of peace” whose father was ill and bedridden for many years. God healed the father, and now the family is serving the Lord.

There was also a woman who had become an alcoholic. She had started drinking at a very early age, and her drinking continued after marriage. She never used to wash her face, and she wore the same clothing for days. She also did not take care of her children. She lost everything, and her marriage was on the verge of divorce. When she heard the gospel, she gave her life to Christ, and God transformed her. At this time, she is growing in the Lord and sharing her testimony with people around her. Through these testimonies, 45 families from the surrounding areas have come to the Lord, and a healthy church has been formed!

The revival in this village is one such story about this people group. Initially, there were a few handfuls of churches among them. Frontline workers started discipling the existing believers through Bible stories and trained several leaders. Today, over 160 churches have been planted in several areas, with more than 4,000 believers. Nearly 1,500 leaders are undergoing training, and 50 Bible stories have been translated. The New Testament is also being translated into the language of these people. The Lord is building his church as he has promised!

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