Global Church Planting Network

Accelerating Church Planting Globally

Webinars, Stories, Updates +

Webinar Video Clips

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Mobilizing Movements (78 minutes)

Obedient Nations (18 minutes)

Nigeria Webinar (75 minutes)

Digital Training Latin America (90 minutes)

Innovation in a Pandemic (19 minutes)

Compassion in Ministry (20 minutes)

Importance of Developing Leaders (7 minutes)


Stories Available to the General Public

From Cursing to Blessing

Church on the Roof 

Mentoring Support for Church Planting

True Freedom in Christ

Healing in Jesus' Name

Marginalized by Society, Chosen by God

Transformation in Two Villages

Prayer as Protection


Be Baptized

Reaching Others in Venezuela

Water of Life

Be Transformed

Search for Salvation

Reaching the Least-Reached Island

Digital Missionaries in Nicaragua

A Security Guard Plants a Church

The Lord Lifts

DMM Straddling Two African Countries

Making Disciples Amidst Unreached Peoples

Digital Missionary

Church on the Ground

Fiery Ordeal

Bound by an Impure Spirit

Trauma to Triumph

From Animism to Seeking the True God

Outreach in Unreached Village

Transformation and Training… a Church in Mexico Planted

Sowing and Reaping in Ecuador’s Covid Hotspot

MNM Training in Ecuadorian Amazon

Healing Prayer in Village... First Family Comes to Faith

Sown Seeds are Sprouting

Beautiful Feet on Motorbike Pegs

Touching Lives In the Covid-Crisis

Geovana and the Gospel

Rural Africa Challenges

Church Planting During Pandemic

Beaten and Bible Burned

Revival Starts with Prayer via Phone-App

Flood of a Different Kind

Total Transformation

Persecution and Passion

The papers were "waving" at him...

COVID-19 relief funds flowing!  Many generous gifts have been received through GCPN and sent on to our network leaders around the world.  Here are a series of letters with stories from their communities... [1st letter]  [2nd letter] [3rd letter] [4th letter] [5th letter]. And here is another recent story written for a Facebook post.

The Mobilization Challenge:  Are we planting disciple-making communities in the places where they are most needed to reach the world for Christ? Watch this impactful video prepared by Chris Maynard and Becky Lewis for Urbana 2019.

(More stories and reports become available after you log into your account.)

Collaboration on steroids!

NC2P (National Church Planting Processes) gathered teams from 27 countries in Berlin. Here’s a high energy video summary.

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